
If you've purchased a pre-cooked Brisket, here are my recommended instructions to warm the Brisket and then the proper way to cut it (06 steps). Skip to step 06 if not rewarming.

Note: You need a thermo-pen to measure the temp of the brisket. I wouldn't risk not having one. You also need a knife similar to a steak knife (please find - or buy - a sharp knife).

1. Remove Brisket from the fridge at least 5 to 6hrs before party time. Leave the Brisket wrapped, preheat your oven to 225 degrees and go ahead and put the brisket in.

2. Place it in the oven.

Pro tip: Remember which side of the pan has the thicker cut (the point). When you check the temp, check it in the thickest part.

3. At least every hour check the temp of the brisket. Again, the thicker part needs to be 165.

4. Some ovens burn hotter or cooler than others, so check more frequently if necessary. Again, reiterating, 165 is the temp u want to achieve.

5. Some briskets are not cooked to completion. If I've informed you of this, you will need to bring the temperature of your brisket to approximately 195 degrees instead of 165. Then you'll need to let it rest for an hour. Raise the oven temp to 250 degrees and check the temp of the brisket at least every hour after the 2nd hour.

Note: Reheat can take 3 to 5 hours. So plan accordingly.

How to Cut it!

6. Cutting the Brisket: YOU MUST CUT AGAINST THE GRAIN. Make sure you have a sharp knife. We’re going to send you instructions via text and/or on pick up.